Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ecosia new search engine profits go to WWF WorldWildlifeFund

Ecosia the new search engine has its profits going to WWF World Wildlife Fund.
       Which is good and maybe a good way to attract Searchers (you and me) to use Ecosia rather than or in addition to Google
      Though I came across Ecosia in this news story on 12/4/2009 titled, Microsoft (Bing) - Backed Green  Search Engine Attacks Google  Quote "However, while the search site appears to have the highest of environmental aims, a video created to promote its launch is more partisan. The site is based on Microsoft's Bing search engine, and its video depicts Google investors as fat, cigar smoking figures while also criticising the search giant for the carbon intensity of its technology."
      Myself  being one of those Google investors, I am not moved to use a Search Engine like Ecosia that depicts me as fat, cigar smoking,  CO2 generator.  Additionally Ecosia is depicting Fat people and cigar smokers as bad.  
      The whole advertising angle strikes me as bad.  Why go after Google, everyone loves Google and uses Google.  Ecosia Tell me why you think Ecosia is better than Google.  You have to be better than Google to draw people away from Google to Ecosia.  But I guess Ecosia couldn't do better, so they are just attacking.  Pardon me but that is just plain stupidity on Ecosia's part and on WWF World Wildlife Fund for endorsing Ecosia.
              Ecosia just don't bother.
    Leo Goforth Professional Search Engine Marketer for 9.5 years.


  1. Hi Leo,

    Please note that the video clearly says that "there are large CO2 emissions caused by the big search engines and their massive server networks." (This includes Yahoo and Bing, which are also mentioned in the beginning as one of the money making search engines.)

    Google is named so often because it is the market leader. If you visit Ecosia, you will see that the video has been edited (and this was done so before your post) so Google's investors can no longer view their depicted selves as an unintended insult. A new, shorter video is currently being produced too.

    We are not "going after" and "attacking" Google as you put it - Ecosia is the simple idea of a group of like-minded friends who are trying to do their bit for the environment by creating an eco-friendly search engine. Ultimately, we are trying to HELP. Surely this altruistic gesture is better than sitting back and doing nothing? After all, 2,708,822 m² of rainforest has been protected so far - a figure that would not have been achieved without the invention of Ecosia.

    Many thanks,


  2. Hello Abby,
    Thanks for the comment. I would appreciate it, if in the future you would fully Identify yourself as you are stating that you are part of the Company.
    I am not opposed to your and Ecosia's support for the environment and specifically the Rainforests. In fact I whole heartily support it.
    Thanks for your explanation of your offending video and that you have updated it. Still a true apology from Ecosia in order.
    Waiting for Apology
    Leo Goforth


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